Google Page Experience Algorithm Update, Expected to Be in Mid-June
Google postponed its Google page experience algorithm update from May to mid-June 2021. Google’s page experience algorithm update which will unroll core web vitals to become a ranking signal for pages and sights will now be updated in mid-June.
Google announced that they will use page experience signals in ranking systems from mid-June 2021 and also mentioned that updates will wholly be part of systems by end of August. They mentioned that people can view it as “Google is adding a flavouring to the food they are preparing. Rather than adding all the ingredients at once, they will add one flavour at a time into the mix.”
Originally, the update was scheduled for May 2021. This is good news for site owners and web developers as they will get one more month to update their websites. Now, get ready with your updated websites in compliance with the core web vitals.
A brief introduction to core web vitals and google page experience algorithm
When you visit google search console, they have an added feature page experience report. This page experience report provides you with the experience of visitors to your website on the web and mobile. This experience report combines core web vitals report and other page experience signals.
These core web vitals are fixed factors that google considers ‘crucial’ for your web page user experience. These are the largest contentful paint (LCP), first input delay (FID), and Cumulative layout shift (CLS). These core web vitals measure the loading speed interactivity of your page or sight and visual stability. Other web vitals that are part of page experience signals are mobile-friendliness of your website, safe browsing, HTTPS, no intrusive interstitials. When you see the report of your core web you will get a different report for mobile and desktop stating the number of good URLs. poor URLs and those URLs that need improvement. Page experience is an official Google ranking factor. It will affect your website’s ranking. Sine google decided to delay the update by a month you have enough time at hand to improve your site.
How to Improve Core Web Vitals?
To improve the LCP of your website, upgrade your web host which will automatically fasten the load time. You can also set up lazy loading that is images will load only when somebody scrolls on your website and you can achieve a faster LCP. Remove unnecessary third-party scripts as they slow down the page loading and remove bulky CSS.
To improve the FID score, minimize JS on your page, third-party scripts like heat maps can affect FID scores so remove them. Use browser cache helps you load the content faster.
To minimize CLS, use set size for media like video, images, infographics, etc. Add reserved spaces on your page for Ads. Add a new UI on your page so that elements do not move down on your page.
Google has planned for slow rollout as page experience algorithm update is a huge change and they have to gauge and monitor the impact of this update for any unintended issue. Sites shouldn’t expect any major change from what is already announced. So, there’s nothing to feel hesitant about.
Website developers should move ahead with the details of the announcement they have about google core web vitals and page experience. Google will only be removing AMP badges from the pages as google aims to promote AMP content too.
If you want to know more about google page experience and core web vitals, please check our blogs on the website. Update your website according to the new google page experience guidelines with 6DegreesIT.